Quilt block blocks–part 2




I got a little obsessed with painting blocks. In fact, I want to paint some more! I like this batch better than my first attempt. I used fewer colors and repeated the same pattern on all sides. I also used 2-inch solid maple wood blocks that I ordered from Etsy (snuggly monkey!), and they have a satisfying density. I think another type of paint might work better than the acrylic craft paint–maybe oil paint? But, imperfections aside, it was a super enjoyable activity. Even my daughter wanted to make a block. She normally has very little patience for crafts but declared painting blocks surprisingly fun and not as weird as it seemed. Success!


Fabric stacks for new projects

I have a green bookcase in my bedroom that I am really not fond of–what possessed me to buy a translucent green plastic bookcase? But I’ve decided to embrace the green and make cushions and a quilt with yellow, green and blues. Here is a stack of colors for a yellow cushion. I am thinking of a simple squares of color around a center of off-white. All these Kona cottons were purchased from Marmalade Fabrics–my favorite online source for solids.


And here is a stack of colors for a quilt. It’s practically spring here in Florida (sorry New Englanders!) so these colors are perfect for a room refresh.
